The 88th Texas Legislative Session is now underway. We expect to see an adoptee rights bill filed very soon. We begin this session with optimism and enthusiasm, but we also remain realistic about the challenges before us.
Human and civil rights in Texas have suffered many blows since the last session. Because our work to restore adoptee equality intersects with so many other issues, we want to acknowledge how difficult this session may be, not only for impacted coalition representatives and supporters but also for all marginalized groups.
We expect to encounter the same challenges as in past sessions and anticipate new ones in the wake of the Dobbs decision. We are prepared to counter any narratives and political messaging that conflate abortion and adoption, especially in the context of adoptee rights—namely those that are meant to harm our efforts to restore adoptee equality—and especially those that are meant to co opt adoptee voices.
We care about our adoptee supporters, and want you to know we will represent you in a way that honors your lived experience and elevates your voices as adopted people. We remain dedicated to moving a clean bill and continue to work closely with bill sponsor Rep. Cody Harris.
As always we will be reaching out to you, our supporters, throughout the session, with updates and action alerts.
New Core Partner
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new core partner in the Coalition: the American Adoption Congress. TXARC and AAC have worked as allied advocates in Texas and will continue that work together within the coalition.
We are very excited to continue our advocacy in Texas as the newest core partner within the Texas Adoptee Rights Coalition. Our ongoing efforts will remain committed to enhancing already strong coordination with our state-based allies to restore unrestricted access to the AAC’s estimate of over 960,000 original birth certificates. Clean adoption reform, thoroughly vetted in Austin, has garnered overwhelming bipartisan support. Now, we look forward, along with our partners, to victory in the Lone Star State.
Tim Monti-Wohlpart, AAC National Legislative Chair
Thank you for your ongoing support. It is past time to restore adoptee equality to ALL Texas adoptees!
Shawna Hodgson
TXARC Spokesperson