We’ve been getting calls and emails about contacting the Public Health Committee in the House to request a hearing on HB2725. We talked to Rep. Senfronia Thompson’s office this morning to determine whether calls or emails would help at this time. Rep. Thompson is the chair of the Public Health Committee and her office would schedule the bill for hearing once it actually receives a request for a hearing from the bill’s author. The office of Rep. Gina Calanni, the House author, told us they have made a request for a hearing but, as of this morning, the request has not yet arrived for calendaring. Rep. Thompson’s office also let us know that it does not help to call or email before the request from Rep. Calanni is received. While she said anything is possible to get a hearing on next week’s calendar, it will all depend on how many bills are already in committee and whether it makes sense to add another.

In other words, we advise folks to keep calm. And have another donut.
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